Foxwood Moon Shadow, Buckskin, Arabian Pony, Part Welsh filly (Nalla Casanova x Prinley Park White Rose)$3500
2019 Sales list
Foxwood Gaultier (DP Aryan El Jamaal x Foxwood Coco Chanel) Grey purebred Arabian Colt.Stunning colt to mature 15hh,an asset to any breeder.$5000- on lease
Foxwood Black Rose-Black Buckskin Arabian Pony Filly-mature 13.2hh-absolutley stunning and top show Quality. $3500-SOLD
Foxwood Phantom of the Opera Cremello Arabian Stockhorse/Stockhorse colt.Mature 15.2hh plus he will produce guaranteed coloured foals.Hes is 75% stockhorse and 25% arabian.$5000- with Arabian stockhorse registration. Sold
Foxwood Vienna Opera-Pretty Chestnut Partbred mare ,14.2hh with a basic Dressage education.Quiet to ride and Handle.Champion led and has done Trail riding and working Equitation $3000-retained
Foxwood Butterscotch Schnapps-Palomino,Part Welsh ,Arabian Pony colt by Nalla Al Kha-Dafy( by Al Kha-zar) X Nawarrah Park Pink Lady(welshB)-Broken in and although still young is easy to handle.Should mature 13.3hh$4500-retained